Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 5 - 8/26 - Mountville, PA to Old Greenwich, CT

Today was the last leg of the journey. I got up and ran with Kona in the hilly, humid, hot weather. It rained during the night so the humidity was way up and there was dew everywhere.

I ran up to a high point to look out over rural PA. It was absolutely gorgeous.

Looking to the SSW

Kona, trying to figure out why we were taking an unusual break in our run
Just running down the back roads. Carefully.
Everyone is ready for their own beds. E didn't sleep great and I was up in the night with a teething J. E was delighted this morning to see that the tooth fairy had come. He met me at the bottom of the stairs with a handful of quarters. "Mom, you will never guess what?! The tooth fairy left me FOUR pennies (read quarters)!" He ran around all day with a pocket full of quarters and peppermints. We could hear him coming.

We left Trish's and headed for Old Greenwich.We stopped at a gas station to make a quick lunch, feed JJ, and let Kona out. It was literally fuel only. The boys were less than impressed with the bathroom facilities.

Back on the road, were headed to the Tappan Zee Bridge and Old Greenwich. Getting close. The big boys were very excited and were singing "Old Greenwich, Old Greenwich" over and over again. We looked at all the new things out the windows including the bridges, the bridge construction, the boats, the water, and all the traffic.

We got into town a couple of hours earlier than we thought and ended up getting there before the movers were finished. The next few hours were a whirlwind with people in and out and excited "welcomes".

We discovered that the moving company, Mayflower, contracts crews at either end of the travel to load and unload the truck. The Lincoln crew was great, very careful. The Old Greenwich crew, maybe not so much. They also managed to unload everything we own (well, the 2/3 of our stuff that made it) onto the main floor. There was a total of 1 box upstairs labelled "Garage". They put the washer and dryer in the middle of the living room floor. There were boxes marked "fragile" that were crushed under other boxes, the glass in my great grandmother's china hutch doors was shattered on one side and numerous other items broken. They even left the broken glass from the hutch on our front walkway.

Sigh. The stuff is just stuff, it is all replaceable (or unnecessary) but it did make for a lot of work for Patrick to rearrange and carry absolutely everything to the right location. When the rest of the boxes and furniture arrives (you know, essentials like our silverware, clothing, the bolts to J's crib, and ALL the kitchen paraphernalia) we will make sure to help the movers with some instructions. Wink wink.

Highlights of the day included the kindness of the people waiting for us on this end. Betsy, Pam, Jan, Steve, Richard, Craig, and everyone who helped to pitch in to get the house ready for us. Some key things that they had waiting for us were laundry detergent (especially important since we are living out of our suitcases for a week longer than we had planned), staple grocery items, paper towels, paper plates and napkins, plastic eating utensils, and dinner from Betsy on that first night. (That vegan tart you made was AMAZING! Thank you.)

After having help from Jan (thank you so much) with the boys bed set up and getting bedding located we were all out like lights. It was quite a long, exciting day.

So glad to have arrived safe and sound. More on the next few days and our adventures in Connecticut to come. And once my kitchen returns to functional, more recipes. Yay!

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