Saturday, October 31, 2020

Week 7 - Volcanoes, Linear Motion and More Greek Mythology

 In full disclosure,  we did not have our best week this week. I am not sure exactly why things fell apart but they did. There were tears and frustration and anger but we moved through it together and maybe even learned a few things along the way. The kids really are doing a nice job transitioning to something completely new to them. They don't complain about missing their "old school" or beg to play with friends and they have taken things in stride. I didn't take as many photos this week but I know next week will be better. 

Jonah (preschool) worked this week on tracing letters and working on the letters he already knew. He's doing a great job recognizing A, B, H, J, P, M, and I. He enjoys tracing letters so we worked on that some. He also has his address memorized including the zip code! Wow, good job buddy! Norah and Jonah also went to the dentist this week. We missed our cleanings in March or April and so we were well past due. It was a little nerve wracking to have masks off but they were troopers. 

Norah has been asking to do "ool". We played with the shape sorter this week. Both putting shapes in with labels and also stacking. She has no trouble with either and asks to do it over and over. She also likes to do calendar with the boys and so we often go back up to the school room later in the day so she can have a turn to put on the day of the month and change the weather. 

Micah Man (1st grade) did a great job with subtraction this week. He is also working on mastering some sight words, and practicing his writing. He loves to draw and color and has made several cool drawings on the Olympians. 

Emmett (4th grade) had a cool science lab with the substitute teacher, aka dad, on Monday morning. Linear motion was the subject and they made a great parachute to try and slow the descent of a small Lego build from a third story window.

I am looking forward to a slightly less emotion filled week next week! 
Bye Soon - 💛


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