Saturday, February 20, 2021

Week 22 - snow, gong lab, and potato cones

 Week 22 - I was worn out last week!

Sunday 2/7 it snowed and snowed. Patrick took the kids outside and they built several rad snow forts. I even wrestled Norah into her snow pants for a few minutes. The sky after the snow ended was absolutely gorgeous. 

Norah (I realized how much her coat needed to be washed after I took the photo)


Emmett and Jonah

Emmett had a great week of science. He learned about ear and sinus anatomy and physiology and we did a great lab that I challenge you to try at home! 

1. Take about a 3' piece of string or twine and tie it around the end of a serving spoon. 

2. Wrap one end of the string around your index finger and plug your ear. 

3. Do the same with the other end of the string and the other index finger. 

4. Bend forward at the waist and let the spoon bump gently against a door jam or wall. What do you hear?

5. Unplug your ears and see what it sounds like when the sound waves are traveling via air instead of through the string! 

So cool, right!? We used a variety of kitchen utensils (the large whisk was really neat!) and different lengths of string. Micah and Jonah also got in on the action and Maddie stole the spool of twine. Oy. 

Emmett also finished up his unit on Tristan Strong and discussed the elements of this particular story that defines it as a hero's journey. He continues to deconstruct fractions and use both multiplication sentences and the sum of the fractions to define them. Cursive and Spanish are short daily occurrences as well. He also memorized a poem by Langston Hughes called Final Curve.

Micah spent his week in math working on place value and greater than, less than, or equal to. He is continuing through his word lists with improved confidence and using some of the skills that he is learning via Fundations. His science this week was about weather forecasting and prediction. He was less interested this week than he was with the natural weather predicting last week. We read one of the folk tales but it ended up being quite confusing and so we spent the time with handwriting, writing in his Grammy journal, and talking about China on the globe.

Jonah is working his way through his Fundations book and has been really interested in learning words. He also has been spending a lot of time with his vehicles and learning about dinosaurs. 

Norah spent the week diaper free per her request! I am impressed. She's taken to the potty training well. One accident. I would call that a win.  

And Maddie, well, she gets chased around and chases the boys right back. She is also in the midst of potty training. Who will figure it out first? It's a race.

The kids also had a special treat on Tuesday.  Emmett and Micah had been asking for potato cones for weeks. Garden Catering is a local place here in Greenwich. When the kids are in school at OG, once a semester or so we stop in on our way home and get french fries or potato cones for their snack. So on Tuesday at 2:30p it was decided that it was a potato cone day. Ha! Yum yum. 

The kids have also spent time this week dressing in their superhero costumes. This would include particular powers to which I am not privy as well as a variety of outfits. I love them all.

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