Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Week 19 - Anatomy, Handwriting, and Dinosaurs

 Happy week 19 - 

We are deep into the depths of dinosaurs. Last weekend the boys worked long and hard on a project and then came running to get me. They wanted me to come look at Micah's room. They had turned it into an aviary (complete with flying pterodactyls from the ceiling) and giant, ferocious, meat eaters on the walls. There were even blue pieces of construction paper on the floor that were filled with paper fish for the dinosaurs to eat. It was impressive. I've decided not to consider how they hung the ones from the ceiling. I'm sure it was creative and I don't think I want to know. 

My runs each morning have been wonderful. I have been in the woods, at the beach, around the neighborhood and occasionally on the treadmill. 

Emmett is now reading Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Clouds. We are reading it aloud at night with Micah. They seem to really enjoy it. He continues to read poems from Langston Hughes and is learning elements of stories. We have come to the end of the physics and engineering and have started in on Anatomy. This week I traced each of the kids on paper and for the next 18 weeks or so, we will be filling them in. He continues to work on geometry - angles, triangles, etc and he rocked his mid module assessment! Cursive is still a favorite and we've ordered a new Spanish book to try and increase his confidence. 

Micah and I read Fly by Jane Yolen this week. This was not a story I was familiar with. We talked about ways to say things with creative language to make them more interesting. He practices with his word list each week and we have picked back up with handwriting to make sure that his letter formation is solid. We continue to work through the Grade 1 Fundation book. Phew, even first grade occasionally tests this tired mom's brain. Micah's science lesson was all about air and the atmosphere. This was interesting to him. He enjoyed the vocabulary and the discussion about the stratosphere and the troposphere. He is participating in the anatomy lessons and we have some cool dinosaur things planned for next week. He has also been playing his own football tournament in the backyard. Each day it is a new game leading up to the championship. Always in shorts and yes, it is freezing. 


Jonah worked really hard on 10 frames and pattens this week in math! He's got it! He also finished up all of his letters and so we have gone on to flashcards and other puzzles to strengthen his skills.  He has been asking to play basketball and soccer this year. I'm sure his dad will also encourage baseball. Here's hoping we can do some sports this year. Fingers are crossed for the covid craziness to subside.

Norah and Jonah and I picked up a few library books we had on hold. It was a fight but I managed to get them both in the stroller. This was a miracle as Norah almost always insists on walking. 

We also all sat down and watched the Inauguration on Wednesday. Oh my stars, what a morning. I was so moved watching it all that my heart almost couldn't take it. I hope that someday the kids will look back on the history that was made. 

On to week 20!

Peace and love


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