Next will be carrots and then green beans. There is quite the controversy about store bought baby food versus homemade. The organic Gerber brand baby foods are convenient and don't have to be refrigerated which makes them ideal for on-the-go (I do have several in my cupboard to use in a pinch) but I have found that making homemade baby food is really simple and I actually quite enjoy it. Patrick and I don't eat out very often. I prefer to make our meals. I have a touchy stomach and I like to know exactly what is going into my body. We shop for the least packaging possible (a whole different post) and I cook mostly from scratch because that is what the rest of my family does. As I thought about it, why would I feel any differently about what I give to E man?
I have been buying organic fruits and veggies and steaming, boiling and baking them. I add some of the cooking water back in and puree them with my immersion blender (which I LOVE). I divvy them out into little individual containers and keep a few in the fridge and freeze the rest. I ran out of containers yesterday when making acorn squash and so I used an ice cube tray and covered it with aluminum foil. This morning when they were frozen, I dumped them out into a freezer safe container and put a few in little containers in the fridge. It's really easy and the frozen ones can go with you if you need to travel. I just put them in my lunch bag with a cold pack and they stay cold but thaw as you go. Perfect. My sister-in-law gave me a book for Christmas all about making your own baby food and there are some really great recipes! I am looking forward to seeing what kinds of things E will eat and what his preferences are. So much fun!
It is amazing how much we all crave home cooking. Mark and I love to travel but not long into any trip, I begin to long for the simple meals we usually share at home. I look at menus and try to find the least complicated thing to order. It's fun to eat out but always great to get back to eating simply at home.
ReplyDeleteWhy wouldn't you want to feed a little person the simplest, freshest foods you can get. It will be fun to watch his tastes develop.
Way to go, Kate!!!! That's great that you make E's baby food. I started too, but found it overwhelming at times, especially with two kiddos. Patrick was only on purees for three months, which was the organic Gerber ones. He's been on table foods now for two months, and pretty much eats what we eats. However, since he's been teething, P-man's been pretty particular about what goes in his mouth. ;)
ReplyDeleteCute pics by the way!