Happy third week in Advent! December 13th - December 19th, 2020
This post will catch me up! A Christmas miracle with all of the fun things we are doing in anticipation of Christmas. Fair warning, picture overload.
On Sunday the weather was again pretty nice. We opted for a porch picnic. I came out with my lunch to find the kids singing our family prayer. They know how to melt this mama's heart.
Later that afternoon we frosted cookies. Gingerbread and sugar cutouts. So. Many. Sprinkles.
Norah and dad frosted the same 4 cookies for about 35 minutes. Hey, whatever keeps them busy!
And then it was outside to burn off the sugar. Norah is learning to use the smallest baseball glove we have. Oh, and always in cowboy boots.
The final photos of the gingerbread houses are in too! Here are the completed products as requested by Jenn. Also, a big thanks to Betsy for hours of entertainment. It was so kind of you to bring these houses over!

This week Micah read Fox the Tiger. He read it to me and then he went on to read it to Grammy and Pops, Ms DiCarlo, and dad! He looked over at me in the middle and said with surprise, "I'm actually reading!" For sure, buddy! For his language arts he started the story of Aladdin but it was too weird and too scary. I am 100% changing the plan next week. We didn't even finish the story but jumped over to independent and read aloud to mom books. I then opted to combine science and language arts this week because he was so focused on the fox book. His science lesson this week was all about how we use rocks and minerals in the real world. We read from his science books and talked about the big picture ideas and then we made story rocks. This was super fun. I collected some rocks for him on one of my runs and then we sat down together to create. I drew out the characters on the rocks at his request and then he colored them. Math continues on with yet more subtraction using count on and math drawings and number bonds of 10.

Emmett is still working on Ramayana and he wrote about allies and enemies this week. He continues to amaze me with the ease that he flies through his word lists and vocabulary assignments. Long division is much easier this week and the last math lesson this week explained that when you divide, you either are trying to find the number of groups or the size of the group. He has this down with no problem. I am very proud of him for his perseverance. In science he added on to his knowledge of circuits and electricity. He used Snap Circuits to create all sorts of cool circuits that lit up, played music and turned on a fan. Thanks to the Riggs family for the circuit set! Who knew that would fit into his curriculum perfectly!
Jonah made a few Christmas cards this week. He used buttons to made designs and I helped him glue the buttons down. He practiced writing a few words including his name! He continues the 100 day countdown to Christmas and is so excited.
On Wednesday night it snowed about 8 inches. We don't often get any significant amounts of snow here on the coast and so The Collins' Academy called a snow day on Thursday and a late start/half day on Friday! It continued to flurry most of the day Thursday and the kids played and played and played. All except Norah, the girl who detested her snow boots, snow pants and new coat. In classic two year old fashion we got dressed, had a meltdown and went back inside in the first 3 minutes.

On Friday all the schools in our area went back and so I took the opportunity to take the three boys sledding on the "big hill". I knew that it would have been too busy to be safe on Thursday and from the looks of the tracks that was accurate. We had the hill to ourself initially and then two other families came a bit later. We had a great time. Well, at least until Jonah (4 years old) sledded into the creek. It was shallow and he was fine. He stood right up and after I sprinted down the very slick, icy hill in snow boots, I grabbed him and pulled him out. I hustled him to the car about 5 minutes away. He was howling because his snow clothes were sopping wet and heavy, he scared himself and "the water was yucky". I stripped him down to his shorts and t-shirt outside the car because his snow pants were starting to ice over. I should double check the brand of snow gear he was wearing because his North Face puffer coat, snow pants, socks, boots, mittens, and mask were soaking wet and dripping but his shorts and t-shirt were basically dry. I'm pretty sure his boots are still wet 2 days later. Anywho, I ran his home and tucked him straight into the shower and threw all of our gear into the washing machine. Betsy ran the two big boys home a few minutes later (thanks Betsy!) Everyone is currently warm, safe and dry. Disclaimer - to be clear he was not in danger and never got too cold.

These are just a few photos from several of my early morning runs this week. The world looks so different and lovely covered in snow.

I hope everyone finds a way to celebrate the winter (or summer) solstice and has a lovely Christmas week.
Merry Christmas all.
Peace and Light,