Week 3 -
We have had a busy week! To start, Norah transitioned smoothly to her big girl bed. There has been a whole lot of bickering and fighting amongst the boys. I have to think that some of it may be because the kids are together all the time. All The Time. They even all shared a room. I decided, much to Patrick's dismay, that it was time to move rooms around. We moved Emmett into the room that had been our makeshift office and then switched Norah and Micah's spaces. Patrick informed me that if he was moving the rooms and had to take the crib apart he was not putting it back together ever again. HA. So, ready or not, time for a big bed for the littlest Collins. She has taken to it with no problems. I imagine it might be more comfortable than her crib and crib mattress. Jonah tells everyone that he has "a new roommate".
She spent her first night in her bed on Saturday and on Monday she turned 2! Yep, another birthday at our house. She had a sweet butterfly birthday and the boys were her biggest fans.
A homemade vegan, vanilla cake.
Yay for frosting!
Micah studied the Autumnal Equinox and the changing seasons for science this week. We read loads of books and did leaf rubbings! He also managed to get stung by a yellow jacket on Saturday. He stepped on that little sucker with bare feet. Needless to say, the insect did not like that and Micah had a very sore foot for the rest of the day.
Leaf rubbings
Dinosaur slippers were the least painful footwear after the wasp sting.
Jonah's unit is currently all about apples. These stained glass apples were a fun project that (miracle of miracles) all 4 of them seemed to enjoy! Ah, the fun of contact paper.

Jonah also continues to work on his letter sounds, identification and formation.
Emmett wrote all of his vocabulary sentences as they related to Pokemon this week. He needed something to make this more interesting and it took him about 5 minutes to come up with them! I was impressed! His physics wonder this week was related to energy and his engineering wonder was all about levers. I tasked him with making a lever to lift something heavy. Here is the video of him showing me how the lever and fulcrum work.
One pinkie!?
He also had the pleasure of hanging out with our friends' dog Sunday morning! A huge thank you to Danny, Rory, and Bonnie for making his day. Emmett took wonderful care of Clover. He's petitioning hard for a dog. Oy.

And Norah girl, she is learning through osmosis I think. She wants to do everything the brothers are doing and I had a moment on Thursday that blew my mind. Emmett and I were sitting at the table working together and Norah brought me the bag of Bananagram tiles. I unzipped the bag and gave it back to her. She went over to the far side of the room and dumped them out. I was not paying any attention to her, other than to make sure she didn't put anything in her mouth that she shouldn't. About 10 minutes later she came over and placed a pile of tiles on the table at my elbow. I flipped all of the tiles over and realized that she had gone through the entire bag and plucked out all of the Rs. I looked at her with amazement and she looked right back at me and said "R" as if I should already know that. Ha. She had been 2 years old for 3 days. Osmosis I tell you.
Norah also has this church thing figured out.

Our friend Andrea dropped off two honest to goodness fireman's helmets for the boys.
They are in love.
Thanks Andrea!!
And, just because Norah is excited about the last day of the regular season...
Baseball for life.